A Magical Incubator
for your

Rising Sessions Secret Circle is a sisterhood circle -- all women and nonbinary folks welcome! --with a triple dose of magic: tarot reading, energy healing, and community.

It is a safe place to feel soft and a supported container to transform.

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    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Meet your hosts!

    Sarah is an intuitive tarot reader who has helped babes connect to their intuition since 2013.

    Ryan is an energy worker who uses channeled energy to shift subconscious programming and guides folk back to their innate power and joy. 

    Are you ready to...

    ✨ Embrace community support and create rich friendships

    ✨ Have a space to empty your bucket and refill your cup

    ✨Learn skills and tools to make a change

    ✨ Trust miracles and the abundance of the universe